Your Skin Changes and So Should Your Skincare

So this is my before and while yes, it's gorgeous, it also definitely had some fine lines and wrinkles I wasn't a super fan of. Not because I don't want to grow old, I actually do, but more because they didn't match how I felt INSIDE.
As the years have passed on since creating our first skincare line, and realizing that I could source some fabulous ingredients to combat my current skin situation, I took on the challenge of formulating a new line and I gotta say, "Baby, we won!"
Three new amazing daily products that will put the plump back in your skin and even out even the craziest rosacea.
I formulated each one to do the absolute best job at its' task:
Corrective Face Mist: full of Green Tea Extract + Sea Buckthorn + Aloe
Dead Sea Microwash: Upgraded to now include exfoliation + Willowbark while keeping our amazing Dead Sea Whipped Face Wash formula!
Bright + Tight Face Serum: Harnesses the power of Sea Kelp, Calendula, Raspberry Seed Oil, Green Tea Extract and more
So wanna know more about our new power ingredients, Sea Buckthorn, Sea Kelp and Willowbark? Each one...
1. Contains anti-inflammatory befits
Sea kelp and Sea Buckthorn are an excellent anti-inflammatory ingredient and can help reduce inflammation caused by acne. These antioxidants protect skin from UVA rays, daily pollution, free radicals, and other environmental stressors. They also help to maintain skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles.
2. Helps to keep rosacea at bay
In addition to reducing acne inflammation, seaweeds + Willowbark can also help keep skin conditions like rosacea under control. “Since it’s rich in B vitamins and is anti-inflammatory, it can also help with skin conditions like rosacea and inflammation,” says Dr. Jaliman.
3. Promotes collagen production
Above all, they provide a lot of anti-aging benefits and can promote younger-looking skin all around. Rich in vitamins like C, ingredients like sea kelp, sea buckthorn, green tea extract and raspberry seed oil promote cellular turnover, protect the skin from aging aggressors and improve the overall look and feel of the skin’s texture.
4. Brightens the skin and targets hyperpigmentation
If you’re struggling with dull skin or hyperpigmentation, you may want to consider incorporating a serum enriched with seaweed into your daily regimen. Seaweeds contains niacin, which is good for brightening and hyperpigmentation. The high mineral content hydrates skin and helps retain moisture. The fatty acids found in sea kelp also provide moisture and prevent skin from water loss. The invisible film kelp leaves on the skin seals in moisture instead of letting it evaporate.
So what's the moral of my very wordy story? Your skin deserves more. Your body is changing and that's an amazing thing!! Give it all the nutrients it needs, easily as a part of your daily routine and I promise you'll feel brighter and more confident in the results - let your true beauty shine!